This is an interactive tool to visualize debate transcripts. It has recently been updated to allow viewing several debates from the US 2008 Election campaign. Click on the 'Load another transcript' button to choose a different transcript. The top section shows the distribution of some selected words within the text across a 'timeline' which goes from left to right. Each speech segment is the same width and the height of the small white bars show the number of occurences of that word for that segment. You can add new words with the text box in the top right corner. You can remove existing words by clicking on them.
Right below the word distribution graphs is a similar coloured set showing a spectral decomposition of the text based on who spoke and how much was said. In this case the bar heights give the amount of text for each segment. Click and drag the mouse left to right to move along the timeline and show the actual text for 3 consecutive segments. There is a little more information about this tool at my weblog post.
This application requires java to run and was constructed using Processing. It may take a few seconds to load.
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